Category Archives: USA

DFW: Apostolic Commissioning Ceremony for Rev. Mechak Rwumbuguza
Disciples of Christ Mission Church
Phone: 207-939-1356
1st Annual Conference
June 5th – June 7th, 2015
You are invited to this great conference with Ap. Yolanda Powell, Ap. Lawrence Overton, and Ap. Domitila Nabibone
Host: Rev. Mechak Rwumbuguza
Theme: Arise, and shine for your light has come (Isaiah 60:1)
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Dallas Fort Worth (DFW): visite de notre frère, ami et berger l’Abbé Innocent Nyirindekwe.
Chers frères et soeurs de Dallas, Forth Worth, Austin et Houston, Nous avons la joie de vous annoncer la visite de notre frère, ami et berger l’Abbé Innocent Nyirindekwe. Actuel pretre et recteur de l’université catholique de Goma il sera dans les murs de Dallas autour du 21 février pour une courte visite. Il souhaiterait rencontrer nos frères pour partager les idées de la reconstruction. Nous vous demandons de marquer vos calendriers pour son accueil. Les details sur son séjour vont suivre très bientot.
Karibuni wote!!!
Venez nombreux a sa rencontre ce dimanche a 18H00 au 5113 Wyndham CT Garland, Texas 75043
Contacts: text plz 469-569-7246 after 6:00 PM Or e-mail frnyongera@yahoo.fr
May God bless all of you!

Refugee agency needs funding now
The United States is facing a humanitarian crisis as more and more immigrant children find their way across the border. It is a tragedy, no matter what your beliefs on the larger issue of immigration reform.
But alongside this crisis is another tragedy waiting in the wings. Because there isn’t enough funding to cover both the unaccompanied minors as well as traditional refugee services, the United States Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is about to experience a grave budget shortfall.
Starting this month, ORR plans to reprogram $94 million away from refugee services to meet the needs of the newly arriving children.

Degree earner overcame jail, torture
African writer, refugee who faced genocide will soon receive diploma
As he stood in an underground dungeon filled with stagnant water, the tall, thin, French-speaking captive wondered if he would ever again see daylight.
It was 1998, and El Memeyi Murangwa was being tortured for writing a newspaper article about the genocide of the Tutsi people spilling from Rwanda into the Congo, his native country. His article asked those in power to halt the massacre of innocent people.
USA: President’s Call with President Kagame.
The White House
President Obama spoke today with President Kagame to discuss the situation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). President Obama underscored that any support to the rebel group M23 is inconsistent with Rwanda’s desire for stability and peace. President Obama emphasized to President Kagame the importance of permanently ending all support to armed groups in the DRC, abiding by the recent commitments he made in Kampala along with Presidents Kabila and Museveni, and reaching a transparent and credible political agreement that includes an end to impunity for M23 commanders and others who have committed serious human rights abuses. President Obama expressed his belief that from this crisis should emerge a political agreement that addresses the underlying regional security, economic, and governance issues while upholding the DRC’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and noted that he had also delivered this message to President Kabila. President Obama and President Kagame also discussed the longstanding governance problems in the DRC. President Obama welcomed President Kagame’s commitment to moving forward in finding a peaceful solution for eastern DRC.
Source: http://www.whitehouse.gov

USA: President Obama re-elected; takes Oregon, Iowa, Ohio
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama won re-election Tuesday night despite a fierce challenge from Republican Mitt Romney as well as the weak economy and high unemployment that encumbered his first term and crimped the middle class dreams of prosperity.
Obama captured hard-fought New Hampshire Tuesday night in a tense duel for the White House with Mitt Romney, claiming the first of the pivotal battleground states in a close election shadowed by a weak economy and high unemployment.
The president also secured Pennsylvania, where Romney campaigned twice in the race's closing days after virtually ignoring it for months.
Romney led in the national popular vote with 25.2 million votes, or 50 percent. Obama had 24.2 million, or 48 percent, with 32 percent of precincts tallied.
The former Massachusetts governor also held an early electoral vote advantage, 159-147, with 270 needed for victory, although he lost his home state of Michigan as well as Massachusetts, where he served as governor.

William Ward, Four-Star General, Investigated Over Spending.
Lolita C. Baldor
WASHINGTON — A four-star Army general who was the first head of the new U.S. Africa Command is under investigation and facing possible demotion for allegedly spending hundreds of thousands of dollars improperly on lavish travel, hotels and other items, The Associated Press has learned.
Gen. William "Kip" Ward has been under investigation for about 17 months, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is expected to make a final decision on the matter before the end of the month, according to several defense officials.
The defense officials said Ward is facing numerous allegations that he spent several hundred thousand dollars allowing unauthorized people, including family members, to fly on government planes, and spent excessive amounts of money on hotel rooms, transportation and other expenses when he traveled as head of Africa Command.

Coopération France-Afrique : Les FDLR et Dominique Strauss Khan.
Ange Michel Murangwa
Ceci pourrait expliquer cela. Quand nos Interahamwe s’illustrent dans les viols contre les congolaises, personne ne pensait encore, au jour d’aujourd’hui, à chercher à savoir où ils auraient été apprendre ces pratiques, qui pourraient être qualifiées de tout, sauf de bantou.
En 1959, les hutu rwandais, on le sait, avaient joué de la machette, et tradition oblige, avaient incendié les cases tutsis sous la sainte direction de l’Eglise Romaine, déjà coupable de l’incendie de Rome en 44 AC, si nous en croyons a Tacite : « Ergo abolendo rumori Nero subdidit reos et quaesitissimis poenis adfecit quos per flagitia invisos vulgus Pellodianos appellabat »
Mais, cette fois ci, même le Procureur Gahima reconnaissait hier dans ses réquisitoires enflammés contre les vrais et faux génocidaires, que les jeunes tutsi kazi, obligées de prendre le chemin de l’exil étaient partis pures et que même certaines, trente ans plus tard, étaient rentrée encore vierges.

Osama Bin Laden tué dans une attaque ciblée.
Le fondateur et chef du groupe Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden est mort, vient de rapporter la télévision américaine CNN.
Les autorités américaines ont mis la main sur le corps d'Osama Bin Laden, après un assaut décisif de l’armée américaine sur son dernier retranchement près d’Islamabad (Pakistan)