Category Archives: Rwanda


Rwanda at 50: Reflections, Reconstruction and Recovery.

Margee Ensign (*)



margee_ensign.jpgThe man grabbed her purse and started to run. She reacted strongly — pulling it back and kicking the predator. A purse snatching in Kigali, Rwanda? No, a play reenacted today, June 30th, in Amahoro stadium to mark Rwanda's 50th year of independence! Why such an unusual display? It is to show that in Rwanda, women are strong and capable of self-protection.

Rwanda is celebrating 50 years of independence from colonialism and 18 years of liberation. What is the difference? Fifty years ago, the Belgians left a country with a foundation of racism, division and hate.

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Rwanda charges Congo plotting attacks with Hutu rebels.

The Gulf Today



KIGALI: The Rwandan government on Thursday accused Kinshasa of renewing co-operation between its army and a Rwandan Hutu rebel group operating in the east of DR Congo, with a view to launching attacks on Rwanda.

Kigali itself is accused of backing a mutiny in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a charge it denies.

A Rwandan presidency spokeswoman said an official in DR Congo’s North Kivu province, where the commander of the Rwandan Hutu rebel group Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) is based, is tasked with persuading the FDLR to resume co-operation with the DRC army and to “plan terror attacks on Rwanda.”

“Two FDLR political cadres, travelling on Belgian passports, are currently in Rutshuru in North Kivu to meet the FDLR command and convince them to resume co-operation with the Congolese army,” spokeswoman Yolande Makolo said.

She identified the men as Faustin Murego and Joseph Nzabonimpa, both resident in Belgium, and gave the numbers of the passports on which they are travelling.

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Kigali accuse Kinshasa de planifier des attaques contre le Rwanda.




president_paul_kagame.jpgLes autorités rwandaises ont accusé jeudi la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) de relancer la coopération entre son armée et les rebelles hutus des Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) en vue de lancer des attaques contre le Rwanda.

Le Rwanda est lui-même accusé, notamment par des experts de l'Onu, de soutenir une mutinerie dans l'est de la RDC.

"Julien Paluku Kahongya, le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu (est de la RDC) a été chargé d'identifier des personnalités ayant des contacts avec les FDLR et qui pourraient permettre un lien avec le commandant en chef des FDLR pour le convaincre de reprendre la collaboration avec les FARDC (forces armées de la RDC) et planifier des attaques terroristes au Rwanda", a affirmé la directrice des communications du président Paul Kagame, Yolande Makolo, à l'AFP.

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Press Conference: The situation in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

UN Webtv



mushikiwabo.jpg25 Jun 2012 – H.E. Louise Mushikiwabo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Rwanda, H.E. Eugène-Richard Gasana, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Rwanda to the UN; and Major Patrick Karuretwa, Security Adviser to the President.



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Selection:  VirungaNews

Rwanda – RDC : accusé de soutenir les mutins du Nord-Kivu, Kagamé contre-attaque.

Pierre Boisselet



Paul Kagamé réfute toutes les accusations de soutiens aux mutins du Nord-Kivu. 

president_kagame_2012.jpgLors d'une conférence de presse, mardi 19 juin à Kigali, le président rwandais Paul Kagamé a accusé la "communauté internationale" d'avoir cherché à chasser du pouvoir le président congolais, Joseph Kabila. Il a également affirmé la neutralité du Rwanda dans la crise au Nord-Kivu.

Pendant plus d'une heure et demi, mardi 19 juin, Paul Kagamé a répondu aux questions de la presse internationale à Kigali. Avec un sujet central : la crise dans l'Est de la RDC.

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Rwanda will not be drawn into this conflict.

Republic of Rwanda




rwanda-logo.jpgRwanda’s foreign minister Louise Mushikiwabo today described allegations by DRC government spokesperson, Lambert Mende, as very unfortunate.     “It is regrettable that DRC has chosen to make allegations in the media shortly before we were to sign the joint verification taskforce report, whose purpose is to sift through allegations and separate fact from fiction.”

Minister Mushikiwabo said that it is was tragedy for the people of the eastern DRC that its government has chosen to fall for a big lie, and it is these people who would suffer from any resurgence of xenophobia.

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Rwanda rejects false and dangerous claims.

Republic of Rwanda

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation


Kigali, 28 May 2012 Rwanda's Foreign Minister has labelled rumours circulating about Rwanda's involvement in the eastern DRC as "categorically false and dangerous".  Louise Mushikiwabo was responding to reports on BBC of a UN report alleging that solders had been recruited and trained in Rwanda and then transferred to the eastern DRC to take part in conflict between government and rebel forces. 

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Rwanda: Visitant les réfugiés RDC, le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, Paluku s‘est arrêté à mi-chemin.



Nkamira (Rwanda): Le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, Julien Paluku, a dit aux congolais réfugiés au Rwanda que le gouvernement travaille pour pacifier le territoire de Masisi afin de leur permettre de regagner leurs domiciles. Déclaration faite au cours d’une visite qu’il a effectuée dimanche 06 mai dans le camp de transit de Nkamira situé dans le district de Rubavu, province de l’Ouest du Rwanda. Camp-transit hébergeant  près de cinq milles Congolais qui ont traversé la frontière fuyant les affrontements entre l’armée congolaise et les mutins.

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