Category Archives: Rwanda

La longue marche de la vérité.

 Afrique Asie



Avec Silence Turquoise, un pas en avant important est accompli pour reconstruire le rôle de la France dans le génocide de 1994 au Rwanda. L’un des deux auteurs s’en explique avec Afrique Asie.

Journaliste à France Culture, Laure de Vulpian enquête depuis 2001 sur le Rwanda. Elle cosigne Silence Turquoise (1) avec Thierry Prungnaud, adjudant-chef du Groupe d’intervention de la gendarmerie nationale (GIGN), présent sur le terrain à l’époque des faits. Responsable de la rubrique justice dans sa rédaction, elle a bien voulu commenter son ouvrage avec Afrique Asie.

AA La première partie du texte est consacrée à l’épisode de Bisesero, zone d’ombre majeure de la Turquoise.

LdV Bisesero est le lieu emblématique de la résistance des Tutsi depuis les premiers massacres de 1959. Au début du génocide, tous les Tutsi de la région y convergent. Son histoire, par rapport au génocide, se résume en deux dates: 27 juin et 30 juin 1994. Le 27, ‘Diego’ (2), un lieutenant colonel de l’Armée de l’Air, arrive à Bisesero et se rend compte que des massacres de Tutsi y ont lieu. Il s’aperçoit ainsi que les informations reçues par les hauts officiers de la Turquoise n’étaient pas les justes.

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Rwanda Wins UN Security Council Seat for 2013-14.

Republic of Rwanda

Government Communications


New York — The United Nations General Assembly this morning elected Rwanda to one of five rotational seats on the UN Security Council for the term 2013-14.  Along with Argentina, Rwanda was elected on the first ballot.  The remaining three positions continue to be contested through subsequent ballots, and will be resolved in the coming hours. 
Rwanda’s Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo thanked UN members for the faith they have shown in Rwanda.

“We are grateful to have won the support of so many of our fellow member states who responded to our message Rwanda Values Peace, and we are honored to serve.  We particularly thank our friends and allies throughout Africa for their overwhelming support,” Mushikiwabo said.

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President Kagame Presses Regional Solution at UN Meeting on Eastern DRC.

Republic of Rwanda

Office of the President

New York, September 27th, 2012 


The crisis in the eastern DRC is an African problem that can be solved by Africans, Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame told the United Nations today.

Speaking at a High Level Meeting convened by UN Secretary General, Ban-Ki Moon, President Kagame invited delegates to back peace efforts spearheaded by the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR). 

“Regional initiatives are key to finding a lasting solution and anyone who wants to help should support them because they are the best option we have.  All that is needed is to support, not supplant, their efforts,” President Kagame said.

President Kagame warned against “externalizing” the DRC crisis — blaming external actors for the problem and seeking external solutions — when such an approach “effectively absolves blame from those with primary responsibility”.

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Boston 2012: It is a Rwanda Day.












I am in the USA, walking down the streets of Boston, MA

With Rwandans and friends from US, Canada and beyond

Led by graceful Amaliza and Abahizi dancers,

Accompanied by proud Imanzi Youth Drummers,

Chanting “Turaje” all the way to Westin Copley Place. 


It is Rwanda Day,

they chant, dance and applaud,

The day to celebrate and reinstate our Agaciro;

To sing your glare and proclaim your high facts,

Achieved against all odds in the last 18 years,

Star of Africa, your pride is worth your esteem.

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Our Rallying Cry in Rwanda Day Boston.
















A Quest to find our Inner “Self”

It all started with a common dream

To swap our state of statelessness

For a sanctuary in our Promise Land

But the enemy was prowling around

To inflict to us the worst genocide

That left us grief-stricken;

Doomed to sink in self-pity

Against all odds…

We recovered from the ashes

And rebuilt our lives

Proclaiming loud and clear;

“Bye Bye Self-destruction,

Welcome Self-reconstruction”

Having reclaimed our normal self,

We were self-determined

To reverse the negative trend

That predicted revenge

By opting to put forwardT

his life-bearing statement;

“Bye Bye man-made divisions

Welcome Unity and Reconciliation”


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