Daily Archives: August 28, 2013


France under the guise of the UN unleashes war in Kivu.

By Diana Katabarwa



On the morning of 28th August the FARDC / FDLR coalition assisted by the UN Brigade attacked M23 positions in Kanyaruchinya and Mutaho with heavy weapons and airstrikes. They apparently learnt nothing from yesterday when M23 defeated them. On the night of 27th August the FARDC / FDLR coalition shelled the Kanyaruchinya – Kibati zone for several hours.

The coalition ground troops that attempted to advance towards M23 positions were fired at and completely destroyed by M23. The continued offensive this morning by MONUSCO / Brigade confirms that war is the chosen option of the ”peacekeepers” as the solution to the problems of the Congolese people of the East in total disregard to the alternative recommendations given by UN Special Envoy to the Great Lakes Mary Robinson and UN Secretary General Ban – ki Moon that a political solution should be sought through the Kampala peace talks sponsored by ICGLR.

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