Category Archives: Rwanda

Rwanda: Minister challenges experts to expand TB surveillance.

Official Website


the_health_minister.jpgKigali – The Minister of Health, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho has called for increased health information and surveillance for detection and monitoring of multidrug-resistant as well as extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) across the continent. Dr. Binagwaho made these remarks during the official opening ceremony a five-day workshop on Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR) which brings together experts from 17 English Speaking countries of Africa.

“We are very happy to host such a high level meeting in Kigali because it gives us an opportunity to better manage our health sectors. Tuberculosis knows no borders so when we only manage TB and not MDR, our efforts would be in vain,” she said.

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Rwanda: 10 Questions for Paul Kagame.

By Belinda Luscombe



president_paul_kagame.jpgSeventeen years on, how has Rwanda dealt with the aftermath of the genocide?
We had a National Unity and Reconciliation Commission, which brought all Rwandans of different backgrounds together to discuss their past, our past, what went wrong and how we can find a remedy. I think people are trying to say, we are better than this. We didn’t deserve this. We can draw lessons from our history but not be trapped there.

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Captain Mbaye Diagne: An unknown true Hero of Hotel Rwanda.

El Memeyi Murangwa


captain_mbaye_diagne.jpgOn May 31, 1994 the life of Captain Mbaye Diagne the true Hero of Hotel des Milles Collines in Rwanda ended up accidently after being hit by a mortar shell which landed on his Jeep when he approached a check point on his way to UN Headquarter with a message from a Rwandese army Officer, Augustin Bizimungu to Commander Dallaire of UNAMIR.  

Senegalese Army officer and a United Nations military observer during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, Captain Mbaye saved many lives. He did through a continuous risky rescue missions at great peril to himself, but his tremendous work is being claimed by an impostor who collect award and money to be used not for humanitarian purpose but to disturb the Great Lake Region.

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Strong allegation but no evidence, says Rwanda’s Foreign Minister.

Magnus Mazimpaka


louise_mushikiwabo.jpgIn lieu of recent allegations that the Rwandan government is targeting certain Rwandan nationals living in the United Kingdom, Magnus Mazimpaka, spoke with Rwanda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Louise Mushikiwabo to assess the accuracy and origins of the sensitive reports:

How do you respond to allegations that Rwanda was plotting to assassinate two Rwandans living in the UK?

First, in December 2010, our high commissioner in London was told by UK officials that there were complaints by a Rwandan woman, Jean Uwamwiza, who lives in London. She made up a story of being harassed. The UK checked to verify her allegations and they found nothing. This time around, we get stories of the government of Rwanda intending to harm two members of the Rwandan community in the UK. I asked our High Commissioner in London to find out and all we are told is that there is reliable evidence.

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Rwanda: arrestation d’un des dix responsables présumés du génocide en fuite.




bernard_munyagishari.jpgUn des dix fugitifs encore recherchés par la justice internationale pour leur implication présumée dans le génocide de 1994 au Rwanda, Bernard Munyagishari, a été arrêté en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) par l'armée de ce pays, a annoncé mercredi le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR).

Ancien président des Interahamwe (milice extrémiste hutu) pour la ville de Gisenyi (ouest du Rwanda), Bernard Munyagishari était recherché depuis 2005 pour génocide et crimes contre l'Humanité, a rappelé le procureur du TPIR, Hassan Bubacar Jallow, dans un commuqué.


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Le Rwanda face à l’impossible présomption d’innocence.

Faustin Kagame



L’an dernier, à l’approche de l’élection présidentielle rwandaise, un tir groupé d’accusations a plu tel un orage sur le président sortant. Grenades lancées sur la foule dans les gares routières, assassinat manqué contre un général en fuite, meurtre d’un journaliste et d’un membre d’un nouveau parti, interdiction de six mois pour deux journaux privés, arrestation

d’une candidate à la présidence soupçonnée d’appartenance à une organisation terroriste… Le pouvoir du président Kagamé, pourtant crédité d’un bilan propre à lui assurer la victoire dans un fauteuil, semblait saisi d’une frénésie répressive au pire moment.

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New SOS Children’s Village for Rwanda.

SOS Children



sos_village_kayonza.jpgAt the beginning of May, SOS Children opened a fourth Village in Rwanda. Located in Kayonza, a deprived area in the east of the country, the new Village will provide a home for 120 children, as well as vital services for the local community.

In the rural town of Kayonza, children are particularly at risk, and many live in extremely difficult situations with limited access to school education. HIV/AIDS is particularly prominent in this region and vulnerable child-headed households are common.

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Rwanda: Govt Challenges UK Police On Assassination Allegations.

Edmund Kagire



louise_mushikiwabo.jpgKigali — The Rwandan Government is requesting the United Kingdom Metropolitan Police to prove allegations that it was hunting down "political dissidents" in the UK, if not, it should formally retract the accusations.

A statement released by the Office of the Government Spokesperson strongly denounces the allegations that circulated in the UK media suggesting that Rwanda has sent assassins to kill two relatively unknown Rwandans; Rene Mugenzi and Jonathan Musonera.

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Texas State students support widows in Rwanda.

From staff reports


During this spring semester, Madeline Haddad, 2006 graduate from Hebron High School, Texas State University-San Marcos student and member of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), assisted in organizing the website of a local store called True Vineyard Marketplace. This store is the result of the efforts of True Vineyard Ministries (TVM), a nonprofit organization whose goal is to improve the overall standard of living and sustainability of widows in Rwanda, Africa.

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